Watch our campaign film- Defending CHOICE For Adults with Learning Disabilities.


Defending Residential Choices for People with Severe Learning Disabilities and/or Autism

“Everyone [shall] have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to CHOOSE [their] residence.”

European Convention on Human Rights, Protocol 4, Article 2(1)


We call on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to rethink its policy and guidance in relation to people with severe learning disabilities and/or autism, and to embrace both existing and proposed new congregate care and accommodation settings as a valid CHOICE. Read more Here


Congregate settings are a type of residential provision that often have small collections of homes and flats within a single site. There is usually some shared communal facilities for education, entertainment, and leisure. Many offer meaningful and stimulating employment and activity, as well as crafts and workshops.

Typically, these communities are in more rural settings, on the edge of towns and cities, or as part of a village. All are fully regulated by the CQC.

However, the CQC refuses to register, or favourably rate, care and accommodation settings like Village Communities.

Read more HERE


Policy guidance over the last 20-30 years has rightly led to the closure of institutional NHS hospitals, condemning their ‘campus’ model of care and accommodation. However, due to this misapplication of policy, which equates congregate settings with NHS hospital “campus” provision, many homes of people with learning disabilities and/or autism, and their families, are being unjustly condemned. Due to this incorrect use of jargon, in equating congregate settings to the ‘campuses’ of the NHS hospitals, many families have experienced discrimination against their choice in residence. No such discriminative guidance exists for any other regulated residential care communities such as retirement, dementia, or nursing communities.

Read more HERE


Over the last 20 years we estimate around 40 communities have closed. This has forced many people with a learning disability and / or autism to leave their CHOSEN long-term homes and friends against their wishes and those of their families and advocates. The unfair policy guidance is enabling local authority Adult Social Care departments to deny the right of this residential CHOICE and is being used as a justification by some care providers for the closure of congregate settings.



The campaign was established in February 2022 by a group of families and friends of people with a learning disability and / or autism who were being threatened with evictions due to proposed closures.

Our aims are simple:

To promote a full range and spectrum of residential choice, without promotion of one over another.

To demonstrate to policy and decision makers that, for a small proportion of people with a learning disability and / or autism, and their families, well run care communities within a congregate setting are where they choose to live and experience the best health and quality of life outcomes.


“if you asked him where was home, he would always say Stanley Grange.”

(The family of Bernard Wilks)

Read Bernard’s story Here

Picture 1

“His village life has enabled him to work in cafes and pubs, to experience a great deal of foreign travel, to make life long relationships, to socialise, to take vocational training and gain qualifications at his own level.”

(The family of Robin)


Read Robin’s story Here

“The Village, as a residence for Kim, is where we believe she can live her best life possible.”

(The family of Kim Collins)

Read Kim’s story Here


Read our detailed summary here

We would like to hear from you

If you or a family member:

  • Are living or associated with a group or village community which is under threat of closure
  • Have saved your community from closure