Personal Stories

Kim’s Story

“There is no doubt that the semi-rural environment Kim lives in has given her a life she would never have had in a flat or house in the general urban community. It gives her the greatest freedom possible based on her ability whilst still allowing her to participate in local community activities in the company of 2 members of staff.”
Kim Collins, Kim with her Dad Maurice Collins
Bernard Wilks

Bernard’s Story

“Every day, he could wander safely from his house into one of his MANY friends’ homes and have a coffee. Every day he could dip in and out of a variety of activities taking place on site. Every day he could talk and engage with the staff […] having meaningful and enriching relationships with so many different people.”

Robin’s Story
“The style of care has changed to put the focus firmly on the wishes and needs of the individual.”

J’s Story

“J is very sociable and he enjoyed being part of a bigger group. At that time he had an independent life and did not feel lonely.”

E’s Story

“Every parent in our situation will know that ever present dread of what happens when X leaves Y, what happens next, where will they go, where might they be happy, settled and content?”
Katie’s Story
“without consultation with her, her family or carers, an announcement was made by the care providers and local authority that a decision had been taken to close the home and relocate all the residents to unknown premises within the local community.”
Jessica’s Story
“[Jessica] enjoys this way of life, and it suits her – plenty of people to engage with (including carers) and many different activities on site.”

We would like to hear from you

If you or a family member:

  • Are living or associated with a group or village community which is under threat of closure
  • Have saved your community from closure